Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Eli's being a stinker and not sleeping good :( He wants to roll over so bad and it seems like every waking moment he has at night is spent trying to roll over. He's pretty much exclusively sleeping on his side now. He can't get himself all the way over though.. so every 2 hours he's awake at night being frustrated. I try putting him on his back but he just goes back to his side and trying to roll over. I've tried putting him on his belly but that just ticks him off. I don't know what to do. All I know is it's getting *really* old not sleeping.

But on a happy note..last night Eli decided to attack me.. in the cutest most awarding moment I've had yet ;) I play 'kissy monster' and smooch his face all over and go nom nom nom. It's fun. Well last night he decided it was MY turn to get the kissy monster. He kept opening his mouth up wide and slobbering all over my face. Then he had ahold of my hair on both sides and would give me a hug.. then slobber all over me some more. I laughed so hard.

Well I'm going at noon to get my hair cut. Hopefully the lady can do SOMETHING to make it not be so plain. My hair is still falling out. (I am hoping just post partum falling out). Soo it's really thin right now and I hate it :( I might have her just shave me bald and give me a wig.

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